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Cybersecurity Services & Programs

Cybersecurity Programs and Services To Secure Your BUSINESS

There’s trouble on the horizon. Will you be ready?

Rapid growth of new technologies and remote working, expansion of privacy regulations, and dynamic threat actors can dramatically increase organizational risk. We work with client business and IT stakeholders to implement resilient mitigation solutions that balance risk with organizational priorities.

Cybersecurity Professional Services

Not sure where To Start?
From Baseline to On-Demand, We have your Cybersecurity Needs Covered

 Cybersecurity Baseline Services:

  1. Includes baseline Information Risk Review
  2. On-Site ThreatRecon “P3 Security Awareness Workshop
  3. Intelligence Report
  4. Remediation plan.
If you have thought or considered:
Cybersecurity Baseline Services will be where you want to start. Click the button below to find the detailed deliverables and sample timeline for the Cybersecurity Baseline Services.

Cybersecurity Policy Development Services:

  1. Includes a baseline Information Risk Review
  2. ThreatRecon “Ransomware Defense Workshop”
  3. Business Infrastructure Gap Analysis Report.
If you have thought or considered the following:
Cybersecurity Policy Development will be the best place to begin. Click the button below to find the detailed deliverables and sample timeline for the Cybersecurity Policy Development Services.

Cybersecurity Governance, Assessment & Response Services:

  1. Includes an Executive Briefing on GRC Policy
  2. ThreatRecon “Zero-Trust Security Architecture Workshop”
  3. GRC/IMS Policy Review and Gap Analysis Report.
If you have thought or are considering the following:

Cybersecurity Governance, Assessment & Response Services will be where you want to start.

Click the button below to find the detailed deliverables and sample timeline for the Cybersecurity Governance, Assessment & Response Services.

Cybersecurity Executive Leadership & CISO On-Demand:

  1. Includes a Baseline Information Security Risk Assessment
  2. Weekly CISO Advisory and Consulting Time
  3.  ISMS/Risk Register Review
  4. On-Site Quarterly Leadership Session.

If you are considering:

Our Cybersecurity Leadership & CISO On-Demand will be where you want to start. Click the button below to find the detailed deliverables and sample timeline for the Cybersecurity Leadership & CISO On-Demand.

Cybersecurity Baseline Services

 Cybersecurity Baseline Services Include:

  1. Baseline Information Security Risk Review session with Executives
    Creates a forum for business leaders within the organization “all get on the same page”

  2. On-site ThreatRecon “P3 Security Awareness Workshop” for Staff
    Security Awareness Training is mission-critical in cybersecurity awareness & reduction of risk
  3. SafeCheck Threat Intelligence Report & Remediation Plan
    Provides a tactical, step-by-step guide to how to address client-specific cyber risk issues
If you are asking or considering any of the following:

Cybersecurity Baseline Services will be where you want to start. Click “Get Started Now” to proceed with our Baseline Service or to ask any questions you may have about the Cybersecurity Baseline Service.

Every business has to face the growing threat of compromise! Hackers constantly try to exploit vulnerabilities to steal key data, disrupt operations, and erode organizational credibility. In addition, regulatory and industry requirements necessitate robust security programs that protect customer information.

Cybersecurity Baseline Services Deliverables:

Click on each deliverable for a breakdown of what is included.

Module 1: Mandatory Executive Briefing
Module 2: Security Summary Review & Report
Module 3: Q&A on how their business looks at “Cybersecurity” (and whether it does at all)
Module 4: P3 (Patch/Phish/Password) Security SafeCheck Roundtable
Module 5: Post-event Briefing
Module 6: SafeCheck TIR
Module 7: Post-event Q&A Session
cybersecurity professional services


Business Intelligence Success Story

Brooks Running

cybersecurity services

A4 Cyber Risk Model

What Your Business Needs to Know to Stay Safe!

Cybersecurity Policy Development Services

Cybersecurity Policy Development Services:

  1. Baseline Information Security Risk Review session with Executives Creates a forum for business leaders within the organization “all get on the same page”
  2. ThreatRecon “Ransomware Defense Workshop” for Staff Tactical solutions that the client can immediately integrate into their business operations
  3. Business Infrastructure Gap Analysis Report Identifies targeted areas within a client environment to consider focusing for improved defense.
If you are considering:

Cybersecurity Policy Development will be the best place to begin. Click “Get Started Now” to proceed with our Policy Development, or to ask any questions you may have about the Cybersecurity Policy Development Service.

… It’s time to get to BaseCamp!

Your cybersecurity journey will require a balance between effective processes and practical knowledge for your entire staff, combined with the appropriate set of controls. And working to continually improve the efficiency of your security posture is how Guidacent measures its success in cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity Policy Development Deliverables

Click on each deliverable for a breakdown of what is included.

Module 1: Mandatory Executive Briefing
Module 2: Data Integrity Review (Based on NIST 1800-25)le 2: Security Summary Review & Report
Module 3: Infrastructure Review / Ransomware Defense (Based on NIST 8374)
Module 4: Post-event Briefing
  • Post-event Module Deliverables
    • Business Resilience GAR
    • Post-event Q&A Session
cybersecurity policy


Business Intelligence Success Story

Brooks Running

cybersecurity services

A4 Cyber Risk Model

What Your Business Needs to Know to Stay Safe!

Cybersecurity Governance, Assessment & Response Services

Cybersecurity Governance, Assessment & Response Services:

  1. Executive Briefing on GRC Policy (client sector-specific)
    Creates a forum for business leaders within the organization to understand GRC context
  2. ThreatRecon “Zero-trust Security Architecture Workshop” for Staff
    Zero Trust is a strategy that restructures how access is granted to users, data & applications
  3. GRC / ISMS Policy Review & Gap Analysis Report
    Designed to break down traditional silos, improve readiness & build organizational confidence

If you have thought or are considering the following:

Cybersecurity Governance, Assessment & Response Services will be the best place to begin. Click “Get Started Now” to proceed with our Governance and Assessments, or to ask any questions you may have about the Cybersecurity Governance, Assessment & Response Service.

… Disaster comes in different forms!

Developing your company’s Information Security Management System (ISMS), is no easy thing to do. And employing a full-time staff of cybersecurity professionals can be an expensive affair. 

Cybersecurity Governance, Assessment & Response Deliverables

Click on each deliverable for a breakdown of what is included.

Module 1: Executive Briefing on Client-specific Critical Infrastructure
Module 2: Zero-trust Security Architecture
Module 3: BC/DR Workshop (based on NIST 800-34)
Module 4: Tabletop Exercise on Disaster Planning/Recovery
Module 5: Tabletop Event Analysis
  • Post-event Module Deliverables
    • NIST CSF GRC Report & ISMS Structure/Outline
    • Post-event Q&A Session
cybersecurity assessment services


Business Intelligence Success Story

Brooks Running

cybersecurity services

A4 Cyber Risk Model

What Your Business Needs to Know to Stay Safe!

Cybersecurity Executive Leadership & CISO On-Demand

Cybersecurity Executive Leadership & CISO On-Demand

This service provides the following:
  1. Baseline Information Security Risk Assessment
    Creates a foundation from which “Risk” and “Readiness” can be measured & adjusted
  2. Weekly CISO Advisory & Consulting Time (content managed by client)
    You get to determine the block of time and topic
  3. ISMS / Risk Register Review
    Established as a snapshot of risk management work in a given segment within the infrastructure.
  4. On-site Quarterly Cybersecurity Leadership Sessions
    A quarterly, candid briefing on, including potential deep-dives into critical issues & strategies

If you are considering:

Executive Leadership & CISO On-Demand will be the best place to begin. Click “Get Started Now” to proceed with our Executive Leadership & CISO On-Demand, or to ask any questions you may have about the about the Cybersecurity Executive Leadership & CISO On-Demand service.

Top-tier Security Resources to off-set your Cybersecurity Risk Posture

Whether you need an interim CISO for a new business initiative or for a long-term engagement, the Cybersecurity Executive Leadership and CISO On-Demand Services offer our clients fractional vCISO leadership at an affordable cost.

Cybersecurity Executive Leadership & CISO On-Demand Deliverable

Click on each deliverable for a breakdown of what is included.

Module 1: Gap Analysis & Remediation Plan & Execution
Module 2: GDPR/CCPA Policy Review & Implementation
Module 3: vCISO Block Time (Weekly / Monthly / Quarterly)
Module 4: Zero-trust Security Architecture Foundation
Module 5: On-site Company-wide Security Roundtables
Module 6: Threat Modeling / Red Team Vulnerability Services (includes TIR)
cybersecurity advisory services


Business Intelligence Success Story

Brooks Running

cybersecurity services

A4 Cyber Risk Model

What Your Business Needs to Know to Stay Safe!

Ransomware Defense Services

Ransomware Defense Service

This service provides the following:
  1. ThreatRecon Ransomware Defense Evaluation Service
    30-minute Ransomware Threat Evaluation Session – Provides a “live resource” to help explore and identify potential risks that may be present
  2. High-level review of the client’s potential for a ransomware attack
    Prescriptive Ransomware Defense Report – Provides a written summary to help the client prioritize focus and investment on reducing risk
  3. Immediate summary of findings and identified areas of potential risk
  4. Ransomware Defense Guide – Provides a tactical, Five-stage guide to reducing overall risks that could be exploited by Ransomware
 If you are asking or considering any of the following, then the Ransomware Defense Services is the best place to start:

The trend in ransomware attacks is no longer about some kid in a basement, trying to impress his girlfriend with parlor tricks.

Threat actors are well organized and often tied to state-funded organizations, with the objective of gaining access to sensitive assets and holding those assets hostage for millions of dollars. But “Fear” doesn’t fix problems, and planning and preparation can offer a proven defense plan.

Ransomware Defensive Services Timeline

  • Phase 1: Schedule a Briefing
  • Phase 2: 30-minute discussion with a ThreatRecon Cybersecurity Analyst
  • Phase 3: Post-discussion Threat Assessment Report (TAR), provided to client
  • Phase 4: Downloaded copy of the ThreatRecon Ransomware Defense Guide
  • Phase 5: Optional P3 (Patch/Phish/Password) Security SafeCheck Roundtable (to be scheduled)
cybersecurity advisory services


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